Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Yours (again) truly.

Yesterday, I wrote about a letter from my younger self.  Today, I write another to my future self.

Dear me,

How do I begin here?  Usually, these notes to myself open with something like, "Don't forget lab on Friday," or, "Clean your fucking room already."  If you still haven't done the second item, like I know you probably haven't, consider a tattoo on your forearm to commemorate the occasion.  Don't worry about regretting it, because it will always be an open order.

Anyway, what sorts of things would future me like to know about present me?  In preparation for this letter, I did a quick search of Facebook and Twitter to get a gauge of what I should write about.  It led me to believe that you would be most interested in knowing my favorite lunch meat (ham, definitely), the color of my bathroom (possibly green), what fabric detergent I use (soapy stuff), whether I prefer the Stones to the Beatles (I don't), and if I were a Crayola Crayon, what color I would be (Jazzberry Jam, of course).

In case that didn't satisfy your curiosity, I am also currently studying biology (botany, DNAstuff) at a small liberal arts college.  Hopefully, that paid off. I should hope that you're employed by now, and I'm terribly sorry if that tattoo I mentioned above threatens what you've got going on there. Science writing, bioethics, photography are my hobbies on the side.  But I'm sure they are for you, too.

If you'd like to laugh at your former tastes in music and media, my Pandora stations include the unintelligible vocals of both Bob Dylan and Thom Yorke.  If you haven't gathered by the last sentence, you were a teeny bit pretentious.  You 'liked' Dostoevsky on Facebook, forgodsakes.  On that note, you had somewhat of a book problem.  You had so many books.

But more importantly, you also had all these goals back then. You had so many goals.  And you know, you achieved some of them.  I hope you stick to that, because I know that you can. When you do, you can tell your future self how great it feels. And you can tell her to enjoy where she is, because it's always somewhere worth being.  So go out and do what you do. I hope we meet up sometime.


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